How I managed to create a one cupboard pantry that didn't make me crazy?
While living in Boston we are in a one bedroom apartment. Back at home we have our house in the hills outside of Portland, Oregon that provides me with a pantry that I can fit everything into no problem! But here in Boston I have one cupboard to work with! But there is no challenge I won't accept, especially when it comes to organization. My type A personallity actually enjoys the the thought of organizing all our food into one small cupboard.
Being that we are Vegan (Now, before you roll your eyes and stop reading, my fiancé has to avoid any type of inflammation, during football season, and a lot of foods cause inflammation, so during the season we eat a vegan diet, and when its off season, Its GO time, gimme all da cheese!!) okay back to what I was talking about, Being that we practice a Vegan diet I have a lot of pasta, nuts, rices and grains that come in all sorts of boxes, bags and different containers. I was finding that I couldn't find anything in all the mess.
So I decided to remove all the unnecessary packaging junk and put everything into mason jars. This avoids clutter, you can clearly see what you are looking for, and it looks cute too!
If you ever have similar issue with your pantry and things just don't seem to fit or you can never find anything, go buy some mason jars of various sizes and place your foods into them.